Flemish Celiac Association

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The self-help group ” Flemish Celiac Association “was founded in 1979 on the initiative of parents that had a child with celiac disease. The goal of the association is to promote the physical, mental and social well-being of sufferers from celiac disease and directly related diseases. Specifically this support group is pursuing the realization of the following objectives:

  • Establishing contacts between celiac patients, parents of celiac patients or caregivers, via a quarterly contact sheet, regional meetings and annual general meeting
  • The disclosure of gluten-free diet products and the promotion of their distribution;
  • Preparing and publishing a list of gluten-free products
  • The preparation and dissemination of recipes for gluten-free cooking and baking (see Cookbook, BakBoek and recipes);
  • Publishing useful addresses of diet business, hotels, etc.
  • The wider dissemination of the concepts of “celiac disease” and “gluten free” diet
  • Publishing medical and dietary information about celiac disease and the gluten-free diet.