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Overnight Oats

Overnight oats are quick and simple, and easy to eat on the way to school. This no-cook breakfast is a great source of fiber, which is typically lacking in the gluten-free diet. Allow your children to mix and match different fruits and nuts to personalize their breakfast.

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Yogurt Parfait with Quinoa Granola

A wonderful recipe for those with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity who have an intolerance to oats. Quinoa is a great source of protein, essential minerals, and fiber. This recipe is also lower in sugar than many commercially-available granolas.

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Mini Pizzas

What kid doesn’t love cold pizza? Help yours not feel left out at the lunch table on pizza Fridays by providing these delicious minis. Pizza sauce is a brilliant place to sneak in important nutrients if your child is a picky eater… blend cooked vegetables into the pizza sauce and pour back into a jar, then store in the fridge for up to five days.

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