Gluten-Free Services

Celiac Disease Center at Children’s National Health System

Children’s National is helping to improve the way pediatric celiac disease is diagnosed and treated. Working in partnership with concerned members of our community, our Celiac Disease Program brings together a team of expert physicians, nurses, nutritional consultants and professional counselors dedicated to developing a national model for detecting and treating celiac disease in children.

Coeliac Youth of Europe

CYE (Coeliac Youth of Europe) is an umbrella organization of European coeliac youth groups. It works within the AOECS. Spread all over Europe – the CYE representatives join each other at an annual meeting. CYE is an international forum for raising awareness, exchanging knowledge and working together for a better future! The vision of CYE…

Coeliac Belgian Society

Not every page on the website is in english. For chrome users, download the google chrome translate extension here. The Société belge de la Cœliaque – french for Coeliac Belgian Society – was founded in 1977 on the initiative of doctors, nutritionist, people with coeliac disease and parents who themselves have a child with coeliac…

Association of European Coeliac Societies

Association of European Coeliac Societies

AOECS stands for Association of European Coeliac Societies and it is an independent, non-profit umbrella organization of 27 coeliac associations in Europe. AOECS does not have any paid staff, it operates on voluntary basis. AOECS has a Board of directors, consisting of three elected representatives. The legal seat is situated in Brussels, Belgium. AOECS acts…

Celiac Association of Romania

To translate the website into english, download the google chrome extension google translate. Our mission is to inform and facilitate exchange of information between people suffering of it hoping the one day we will have a support group for the Romanian patients as there are in all European countries.

Celiac Foundation Panama

To translate the website into english, download the google chrome extension google translate. Mission Celiac Foundation Panama is a nonprofit foundation whose main objective is to raise awareness of celiac disease, the gluten-free diet, and to promote and encourage the study of celiac disease in Panama in order to improve the quality of life of all…

Coeliac Association Malta

The Coeliac Association Malta helps and supports newly diagnosed coeliacs with the aim of improving the quality of life of coeliac patients. Increases awareness amongst the catering industry, i.e. Hotels and Restaurants regarding the strict gluten free diet that a diagnosed coeliac has to follow. Activities are held quite frequently – Medical, Dietetic Speakers are…

Coeliac Australia

About Us Coeliac Australia’s Vision To enhance the quality of life of people requiring a gluten free diet for life and to encourage and support research towards a cure or other ethical forms of treatment. Coeliac Australia is a national federated not-for-profit body comprising five state organisations supporting people with coeliac disease, dermatitis herpetiformis and…

Coeliac New Zealand

We support those with coeliac disease, dermatitis herpetiformis and those on a gluten free diet. Vision: People with coeliac disease are diagnosed quickly, live healthy lives and have the prospect of a cure. Mission: Engage with Coeliac NZ members and stakeholders to support and improve the health and welfare of people with coeliac disease.

Danish Celiac Association

To translate the website into english, download the google chrome extension google translate. Danish Celiac Association (DCA) is an organization for people who are intolerant to gluten. The association was founded in 1979 and has approximately 2,500 members today. The association objectives: Drive celiac special interest and provide information and advisory services relating to the physical,…

Finnish Coeliac Society

To translate the website into english, download the google chrome extension google translate. The level of awareness of coeliac disease is rather extensive in Finland compared to many other European countries. The Finnish Coeliac Society continues spreading this knowledge actively. In spite of this there will always be exceptions, and we do live in a…

Foundation of Gluten Intolerance (Chile)

To translate the website into english, download the google chrome extension google translate. Who we are The Living Foundation or Foundation of Gluten Intolerance, was born on December 6, 2003, when it was published in the Official Journal Supreme Decree No. 103 of the Ministry of Justice by which it was granted legal personality. Living…

Coeliac UK

1 in 100 people in the UK has coeliac disease. We work to improve their experience of healthcare, ensure their gluten-free diet is easy to manage and drive research which delivers new solutions to the problems of living with the condition. We want to see the needs of people with coeliac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) met…

Italian Celiac Association

To translate the website into english, download the google chrome extension google translate.   The mission of AIC The mission of AIC (Associazione Italiana Celiachia), or its “statement of intent” and the purpose of its existence, is to allow the person with celiac disease or dermatitis herpetiformis to live their life in a calm and…

Portugal Celiac Association

To translate the website into english, download the google chrome extension google translate. Vision The APC (Associação Portuguesa Celíacos) is a nonprofit organizaiton, which exists to promote the interests and rights of its members and is dedicated to providing services and support to celiac disease victims through information programs, awareness, education, and support.   Mission…

Swedish Coeliac Society

To translate the website into english, download the google chrome extension google translate.   Swedish Coeliac Society consists of almost 25,000 members in 31 county and local associations.  The Association was founded in 1975 and represents  all those who can not tolerate gluten, lactose, milk protein or soy. The majority of our members have celiac…

The German Coeliac Society

To translate the website into english, download the google chrome extension google translate. The German Coeliac Society (DZG) The German Coeliac Society (Deutsche Zöliakiegesellschaft – DZG) was founded 1974 and started with 55 members.Today the DZG has more than 40,000 members. Our aim is to help people with coeliac disease or with Dermatitis Herpetiformis Duhring.…

Tunisian Association of Celiac Disease

To translate the website into english, download the google chrome extension google translate.   Goals of the association:  To bring together interested people to develop them exchange information and experiences about celiac disease and the gluten-free diet – Inform patients, their parents and the public for a better understanding of the problems of the disease…

Turkish Celiac Association

To translate the website into english, download the google chrome extension google translate.   The Turkish Celiac Association was founded in March of 2002, as a non-governmental organization. Our association has been working on a volunteer basis since its inception. The aim of the Association: to facilitate the daily life of celiac patients, to raise public awareness about…

Ukrainian Coeliac Society

To translate the website into english, download the google chrome extension google translate. Our organization brings together adults and children. Anyone who needs a gluten-free diet or wants to help patients with celiac disease can become a member of our society. Our work is directed: to mainstream issues of celiac disease among the medical community…

IG Celiac Association of Switzerland

To translate the website into english, download the google chrome extension google translate.   The IG Celiac Association of Switzerland is a recognized nonprofit organization serving people who need gluten-free diet for health reasons (eg celiac disease). The responsibilities are largely financed through membership fees. The Executive Board, various working groups and our office to…

Iranian Celiac Disease Website

Our vision is to help the people with coeliac disease to better diagnosis and is universally recognized and met. We work to achieve this vision by: Increasing awareness of the disease among health care professionals and the public. Campaigning on their behalf to improve access to fast diagnosis, good subsequent healthcare and safe foods in…

Luxembourgish Association of Gluten Intolerants

Who we are The Luxembourgish Association of Gluten Intolerants (A.L.I.G.) was founded in October 1997. As of May 2014, it has more than 400 members. Incorporated as a non-profit association, it brings together individuals with celiac disease (also called gluten intolerance),  Dermatitis Herpetiformis and any person showing interest and commitment to the fight against these diseases.…

Coeliac Society of Ireland
Proud Sponsor of CDF

The Coeliac Society of Ireland (CSI) is a voluntary Charity and Company Limited by guarantee based in the Carmichael Centre in Dublin 7. Since 1970, the Coeliac Society has provided information, support and awareness to Coeliacs throughout Ireland. Our mission is to improve the quality of life for Coeliacs and those who benefit from a…

Association Francaise Des Intolerants Au Gluten (France)

Association Francaise Des Intolerants Au Gluten (France)

L’Association Française Des Intolérants Au Gluten est une association régie par la loi de 1901, épaulée par un Comité Médical. Le 1er mars 2011, elle a reçu l’agrément au titre de la Jeunesse et de l’Éducation Populaire sous le n°75 JAP 11-07 par le Conseil départemental de la Jeunesse des Sports et de la Vie Associative de la…

Camp Celiac

Camp Celiac is a one-week summer camp for approximately 145 children and youth with Celiac Disease, ages 8-16. It is located at the site of Camp Aldersgate in beautiful North Scituate, Rhode Island. The property is situated on 230 acres of woods, fields and trails, and includes a lake, waterfront cabins, woodside cabins, dining hall,…


Camp Kanata

Summer overnight camp is the experience of all experiences. When kids are away from home, away from everyday pressures, they’re allowed to be themselves and make their own decisions. In a nurturing and safe environment, they gain confidence, self-worth and develop values that go way beyond camp. When our confident and inspirational counselors get to…


Camp Silly Yak

Camp Silly-Yak is the first known overnight camp in the Maritimes for youth living with celiac disease. Brigadoon Village invites a clinical dietitian to work with our Executive Chef to ensure that all dietary restrictions of our campers are considered when preparing the daily menus for breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner. All menus for this camp…


Camp Weekaneatit

Camp Weekaneatit…. …looks like any other summer camp. You can hear the laughter…You wouldn’t know it from looking at them, but all of our campers are gluten intolerant, have celiac disease and/or are their siblings. They’re just kids, having the time of their lives at a camp designed especially for them. Camp Weekaneatit was founded…


Celiac Camp Strong Inc.

This camp is aimed to be a worry-free weekend for boys and girls with Celiac, ages between 8-15 years old. This camp will be annual, once established. This is the only way it would qualify to be my project for my Gold Award in Girl Scouts. If successful, our next year, we can hopefully make…


Celiac Disease Center at The University of Maryland School of Medicine

Celiac Disease Center at The University of Maryland School of Medicine

The Center is renowned for its ground-breaking research into celiac disease, including developing a diagnostic blood test and collaborating with the North American Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition to publish guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of children with celiac disease.

Coeliac Greece

  In Greece, as in many countries in Europe, knowledge of coeliac disease is limited and under-diagnosis of the disease remains a significant issue. Coeliac Greece established in Athens since 2008, as a patient-driven non-profit organization with main objectives to promote awareness regarding coeliac disease in Greece, build a supportive community for patients, families and…

Dishing Delish

Dishing Delish

First and foremost, I am a blogger who is passionate about food. I spend most of my time in my kitchen cooking, making new recipes, and – most importantly – eating! I also have celiac, so the recipes you’re going to find here are all 100% gluten free. I was diagnosed when I was 14 years old, almost…

Gluten Free Travellers

Gluten Free Travellers is a help site for anyone with Celiac/Coeliac disease or gluten intolerance. Our mission is to give you the best advice, tips and recommendations to allow you to live and travel on your gluten-free diet stress free! Feed yourself and your wanderlust with ease! Read more on Sarah’s story.


Gluten Free U.A.E.

Who we are We aim to offer support to the newly diagnosed and those just arriving in the U.A.E. Those first few days of living gluten free can be very daunting without support. By using facebook as our main tool we are able to use feedback from many different people at any time of day or night.

Gluten-Free On the Move

Managing your gluten-free diet while out and about can be a challenge as our increasingly busy lifestyles mean we’re doing more on the hop. Our new app, Gluten-free on the Move, aims to help you manage every element of your gluten-free diet, whether it’s shopping for food or finding somewhere to eat out. The app…


The information contained in this web site is being made available as a public service by Celiac Disease Foundation (CDF). No posted information or material provided is intended to constitute medical or professional advice. CDF makes no representations or warranties, either express or implied, as to the accuracy of any posted information and assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions contained therein. CDF makes no representations or warranties, either express or implied, that the products included in the Gluten-Free Allergy-Free Marketplace adhere to or satisfy any standards or requirements that may be applicable to such product. Furthermore, no warranty, express or implied, is created by providing information through this web site and the presence of a product, service, company or individual does not in any way constitute an endorsement by CDF. No one shall be entitled to claim detrimental reliance on any views or information, whether provided by or accessed through this web site, or to claim any duty on the part of CDF to update posted information or to protect the interests of those accessing this web site. In no event shall CDF be held liable to you or anyone else for any decision made or action taken in reliance on such information or views. Celiac Disease Foundation is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to